Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Have Confidence

Meaning Behind the STABA Logo

The great meaning I want this logo to give off is, to have that confidence with a desire to achieve your journeys in life, whether it may be a dream or a trial. With the logo having strong shapes and deep retro colors, it gives you that deep feeling of strength. The triangles are the strongest shapes out there used in structures that can amaze and the colors are similar to the primary colors, holding the meaning that you can make any color you dream of with the three.

Stand Tall and Breathe Air and Dream because nothing is impossible in life when dreams and reality become one.

May you all have a beautiful day! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

STABA For Life

STABA, Stand Tall and Breathe Air!

The Story of STABA
A simple phrase that was said to a couple of buddies of mine while leaving a group activity, and of course, they laughed in the choice of words said at the moments. Moments later driving home, I thought of that saying "Stand Tall and Breathe Air". I have always believed in doing simple things to do great things for people and this phase was simple and easy, Just Stand Tall and Breathe Air and everything will be okay. Easier then said than done most people would say, and I would have to agree with that. Standing Tall in some situations is super hard when there's no ground laid down for you to build/stand upon. When the world winds and great storms come from the earth and burns, shakes, or even breaks those various things that you seek out strength for to achieve your wildest dreams.

 At that very moment in the fight, you take that breath of air to keep up the battle in those trying times, when the air is at its most dense filled with the dust of the earth.

Now, there are going to be battles that are lost and some battles won in our lives, and in the battles that are lost, you may feel useless, pointless, or just not good enough. You may have lost but that doesn't mean you have lost all that you have, you may have to take the consequences of your losses but it doesn't mean you have to take those consequences sitting. We all make mistakes and sadly to say you can't walkway from most of them and not be hurt by it. You can walk way standing tall and breathing air to keep the journey going to your wildest destination, even if it going to be one step at a time per day.

My Journey Continues 
I say many weird things and this is just one of those phrases I have said that has helped me from falling too far into despair. There are many other ways that can help keep you afloat in the craziest times and weird fun times so go and share those ways and help the very people that walk in your very own life paths so we all can help each other in those world winds and the dense air it can bring with it.

I will continue posting at least once a week at this moment to start lifting myself up in this challenge I have set. Also, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read and give my blog a chance. My you ponder about the simple things that keep you going in life and smile.

You also can follow me on Instagram for and simpler way of seeing my art.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Biginning Journey of STABA

Welcome to my blog STABA!

Stand Tall And Breathe Air, that there is the meaning of STABA and also a simple way of saying what to expect from this blog. I life has always been a simple but fulfilling life, I have struggled with many things that could seem easy or nothing to others but to me, they are great trials in my life. I have learned much from these trials, like my greatest strength and weakness. One of those strengths is my great desire, faith, and or aspirations I have in other people in achieving great things in their lives, which leads me in serving and helping these people I come across achieve or even see that great hope in achieving that dream, peace, or goal. This explains why I have started this blog to share my thoughts I have on things I do or say that surround me in what I love or like to do. Know that great weakness I have found but seek to overcome. It is as simple as writing, spelling, grammar, and all that crazy English stuff out there. Its just stuff like this in my life that I feel that puts me down like no other when I think of great ideas like sharing my crazy weird ideas and thoughts I have that could make someone smile.

There you have it, my two great reasons I have in making this blog. To help and uplift others around me with the greatest things that can be said, done, or even smile about in the everyday life, and at the same time, I am attacking my greatest weakness and fear head-on in battle. A battle I expect to fall and get hurt in but with the confidence and desire I have in doing this I will get up and keep going, Standing Tall and Breathing that Great Air that gives me strength in winning. While in this great battle I will be sharing all my unexpected journies and the wild tales I may have during the battle so join me in this journey and hopfully I can lend a hand in simple moments in live with wild quotes and art. I belieave in the small and simple wild things can make great smiles and flippin sweet days

Have Confidence

Meaning Behind the STABA Logo The great meaning I want this logo to give off is, to have that confidence with a desire to achie...